To provide a comprehensive knowledge about fishing operations, fishing tools and fishing economic criteria. It can be stand alone or combined with stuck pipe course.
Course Outlines:
• Introduction to fishing • Basics of BHA calculations • Drill string failures o forces on drill pipe o buoyancy facture calculations o strength of material o threads and connections o neutral points o calculation of DC’s &BHA o pipe stretch calculation o Over pull-on pipe, releasing PKRS • Pipe recovery systems o Mechanical back off, o Free Point calculations o free pipe calculation • External catch tools • Internally catch tools • Special tools: o magnet, safety clamp, junk basket o wire spear, safety jets. o Impression block • Wash over operations • Jars and jarring operations • Fishing assemblies
This program is designed for:
Drilling Supervisors, Drilling Engineers, Engineers, Rig staff, Casing Crew, Driller’s tool pushers, Superintendents, Service company personnel, Mud engineers, rig site geologist.