International Petroleum Consultancy Centre

International Petroleum Consultancy Centre


Program Objectives:

 -To provide a comprehensive approach to casing & liner cementing practices.                                                                                                                                 -The course meets the drilling industry standard; candidates will learn how to calculate, analyze, run and cement casings and liners and how to        take decisions in critical situations.
 -The course can be tailored to customer desire and to candidate’s needs/levels.

Course Outlines:
• Casing Design
• Definition of Liners, Liners Application
• Types of Liners, Types of Liners by Application & by Setting Tools
• Accessories or Optional Equipment
• Primary cementing
• Squeeze Cementing
• Designs of Liner Program
• Planning a Liner Job
• Pre-Job Meeting
• Recommended Running and Setting Procedures
• Post Cementing Operations
• Burst and Collapse Rating of equipment
This program is designed for:
Drilling Supervisors, Drilling Engineers, Cement Engineers, Production
supervisors, Engineers, Rig staff, Casing Crew, Drillers tool pushers,
Superintendents, Service company personnel, Mud engineers, rig site
Program Duration: Five days.